Sunday, December 10, 2023

E-Book: Machine Learning Guia Completo em C/C++ com OpenCV e YOLO/Darknet para Windows e Linux

Hello Everyone, I would like to announce my first technical book in the field of Computer Vision and Machine Learning (OpenCV and YOLO/Darknet). With direct information and step-by-step details, you will find:

  1. How to set up the development environment using OpenCV and YOLO/Darknet for both Windows and Linux
  2. Creating, preparing, and augmenting your image dataset for training an intelligent model
  3. Setting up and Training a custom YOLO/Darknet model
  4. Complete development of a real project, including object detection and character recognition
  5. Access to all codes and resources generated and used in the elaboration of this book

Available in English and Portuguese (Brazil) at the link below: - PT-BR - EN



1 comment:

  1. Computer visionComputer vision allows machines to interpret and understand visual inputs, giving them the power of sight. In this blog post we will explore how this artificial intelligence capability works and real-world applications across industries. Additionally, by showcasing the inner workings and wide-ranging uses of computer vision, this blog provides a comprehensive yet concise overview of this transformative technology.
